Stalker Sport

Radar Gun FAQs

Radar Gun Questions

What radar guns work with the app?

You can use the Stalker ‘Pro’ series of radar guns. (Pro II+, Pro IIs, Pro 3s).


Can an app/phone pair to more than one radar gun?

Yes, but not simultaneously. You must disconnect your wireless device from a radar gun and repair the connection to a different gun.


Can one gun pair with more than one app?

Yes, the Pro 3s will allow up to 10 simultaneous iOS (iPhone & iPad) connections. The Pro II+ and Pro IIs will only accommodate 1 connection per radar gun.


How can I reset my radar gun to factory settings?

Using the ‘MENU’ key, press once to enter the operator menu. Press and hold the ‘MENU’ key to reach the options menu (should see ‘LOW’ as the setting). Press the ‘MENU’ key until you reach ‘RESET’ setting menu. Use the ‘RECALL’ or ‘SELECT’ keys to change setting to ‘yes’. Press the ‘MENU’ key once more to reveal ‘SURE?’ setting. Use the ‘RECALL’ or ‘SELECT’ key to change setting to ‘yes’ and pull the trigger to confirm. Your radar gun will reboot and be back to factory default settings.


I am picking up random speeds while inside or at a field facing the street. What do I do?

Press the ‘MENU’ key once to see the range setting. Using the ‘RECALL’ or ‘SELECT’ key, lower the range setting. Pull the trigger to confirm your setting change. Changing the ‘RANGE’ setting will lower the sensitivity of your radar gun.


Does my radar gun store data?

No, using the Stalker Sports App you can store all data readings from your radar gun.
